Skyrim: How To Power Level Conjuration

Skyrim‘s skill tree is one of the most expansive of all RPGs, giving you the option to choose additional Perks as you advance in the game. Among skills like Sneak and Speech are the six Mage skills – Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Illusion, and Restoration. Of these six, Conjuration is the most unique.

Conjuration is mainly used to raise the dead, soul trap enemies, and summon items, familiars, and elementals. While this skill is certainly more situational than others, you’ll likely find yourself making use of some key Conjuration abilities.


Luckily, Conjuration is one of the easiest skills to power level to 100. Without the need for money or items, all you’ll have to do is cast Conjuration spells to boost this skill. Here are our tips on the most efficient ways to reach Conjuration level 100!

Skyrim Power Level ConjurationSkyrim Power Level Conjuration

How Leveling Conjuration Works

As you might expect, raising the Conjuration skill is dependent on casting Conjuration spells in combat. This covers anything from summoning magical weapons through Bound Sword or conjuring elementals like Flame Atronachs. The longer the summons remain and the more damage you do with them, the more experience you’ll gain.

To make power leveling this skill easier, you can also track down three different skill trainers:

  • Adept trainer Runil, found in Falkreath
  • Expert trainer Phinis Gestor in the College of Winterhold (you must be a member of the College to train with him)
  • Master trainer Falion found in Morthal

You’ll be able to boost your Conjuration five times per level for a fee.

Easiest Ways To Power Level Conjuration – Spamming Spells

The best thing about Conjuration is how easy it is to power level it to 100. By far the most efficient way to repeatedly cast the spell Soul Trap to build up experience.

If you haven’t already learned the spell through playing the game, you can buy a Soul Trap tome from a court mage or merchant. Conveniently, the skill trainer Phinis Gestor will have one available for sale. Learn the spell, then track down a corpse. You’ll more than likely have killed a few bandits or guards recently, so this should be easy to find. Then, cast Soul Trap on it repeatedly – each cast registers as a legitimate use of the spell, so you’ll be able to gain experience. Though, be sure to keep track of how much Magicka you have! Having a few Restore Magicka potions will help you out in a pinch.

Alternatively, you could cast the spell on the trusty mount Shadowmere. You’ll have to progress through the Dark Brotherhood questline to obtain it, but the horse’s extremely high HP and incredibly fast regeneration abilities make it a good choice if you’ve already unlocked it.

Alternatively, you can also continuously cast the spell Bound Weapon or Bound Dagger while in combat. The simplest way is to start a fight with an enemy and remain in its hostile range. Then, you can quickly summon the weapon over and over to gain experience. This method is a little harder than the Soul Trap method, but will get you to your desired level quickly enough.

And that covers our guide to Power Leveling Conjuration in Skyrim! If you’re looking to Power Level other skills, be sure to check back here for more tips and tricks on quickly becoming the strongest Dragonborn possible.

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