Xenoblade Chronicles 3: What Should You Spend Nopon Coins On?

There are a few different forms of currency in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and figuring out how and what to spend them on can be tough. One of the most valuable things players can find in the world of Aionios is Nopon Coins.

Nopon Coins can be obtained by finishing skirmish battles, opening canisters, killing powerful enemies, and completing quests. Once players have gotten them, the Nopon Coins can be used in many different ways. Most of the uses for Nopon Coins revolve around upgrading or strengthening your characters.

What Are Nopon Coins Good For?

Crafting Gems

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins Gem Crafting using Nopon CoinsXenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins Gem Crafting using Nopon Coins

Crafting Gems is a great way to spend Nopon Coins. Gems are used to increase certain attributes of the player’s character. Players can upgrade each Gem up to level X, but each increasing level costs more and more materials to make. At higher tiers, it can be easier and quicker to use Nopon Coins to upgrade a Gem rather than hunting down all of the rare materials needed.


Completing Collectopaedia Cards

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins Collectopaedia CompletionXenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins Collectopaedia Completion

Completing Collectopaedia Cards can be tedious at times, but it is a great way to raise Affinity with a certain colony or group. Players will often gather up enough materials while running around the large open world to complete a large number of Collectopaedia Cards, but there are a few that require rare items and are much tougher to complete. This is where players can use Nopon Coins to complete the cards instead. It is not the best use of Nopon Coins, but it can be helpful in a pinch.

Manana’s Cooking

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins Cooking with MananaXenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins Cooking with Manana

Manana can cook players a wide range of meals that boost players’ stats and give powerful buffs for combat. If players are missing specific ingredients, they can use Nopon Coins to cook a meal. Manana’s Menu doesn’t require too many difficult-to-obtain items, but using Nopon Coins can save a lot of time if players need a quick boost before a big fight.

Leveling Up Character Classes

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins Class UpgradeXenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins Class Upgrade

To level up a character class, players need to play with that class in battle. This sounds easy, but players that want to level up all of the character classes may find it difficult to get around to all of them. Using Nopon Coins to level up character classes can speed up the process.

Trading In The Nopon X-Change

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins X-Change InterfaceXenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins X-Change Interface

The Nopon Coin X-Change is one of the best ways to use Nopon Coins. This shop can be difficult to find, but it is stocked with strong gear that players can equip their characters with to make combat a breeze. It can be tough to save up Nopon Coins until players find the Nopon Coin X-Change, but the wait is well worth it.

How To Find The Nopon X-Change In Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins Nopon Coin X-Change location in the Fornis RegionXenoblade Chronicles 3 Nopon Coins Nopon Coin X-Change location in the Fornis Region

The Fornis Region is home to the Nopon X-Change. This Region is one of the more difficult ones to traverse due to the varying altitudes, shifting sand areas, and different hidden areas. To make it to the Nopon X-Change, players should head to Raptor Perch, pictured above. From there, they should head northwest into a large cave opening. Following the winding paths through the mountain, players should eventually emerge on a small platform where Seekseek and Burburr can be found. The name of the location where they reside is Sage’s Domicile, though it is only reachable by traveling through the cave system mentioned earlier.

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