5 Best Counters to Nilah in League of Legends

Nilah is the newest champion coming to League of Legends in Patch 12.13. Nilah is a melee ADC, whose abilities focus on giving her and her teammates both shielding and healing, as she dashes around enemies to deal damage at a close range.

Here are the best counters for Nilah in League of Legends, based on her abilities and how fans should start theorizing how to counter her.

Caitlyn Splash Art in League of Legends

Caitlyn Splash Art in League of Legends / Courtesy of Riot Games

Since Nilah is a melee champion, Caitlyn’s extensive range in both her abilities and her auto attacks gives her a great advantage over Nilah. As long as players stay out of Nilah’s range, they should be able to consistently poke Nilah out and prevent her from getting too comfortable during the laning phase.

Porcelain Ezreal Splash Art in League of LegendsPorcelain Ezreal Splash Art in League of Legends

Porcelain Ezreal Splash Art in League of Legends / Courtesy of Riot Games

Ezreal is another champion who not only has a decent range on his auto attack, but also solid range on his Q, W, and R. Additionally, his E allows him to essentially flash away from enemies, which will likely be exceptionally useful when trying to escape Nilah’s dash.

Lux Splash Art in League of LegendsLux Splash Art in League of Legends

Lux Splash Art in League of Legends / Courtesy of Riot Games

Since most new champions tend to take over the game at lower ELOs upon release, Lux will likely be a safe pick against Nilah. Lux’s ability range should be able to keep Nilah at an arm’s length, and Nilah has no immunity to CC, making Lux’s Q a great way to keep her away if she tries to dash and approach.

Dark Cosmic Xerath Splash Art in League of LegendsDark Cosmic Xerath Splash Art in League of Legends

Dark Cosmic Xerath Splash Art in League of Legends / Courtesy of Riot Games

Similarly to Lux, Xerath is another ranged support who will do a great job at keeping Nilah at bay in lane. His Q range is extremely long, meaning he can keep poking Nilah to prevent her from having enough health to dash in. Additionally, the stun with his E will allow players to stun Nilah when she dashes in to give time to escape.

Lulu Splash Art in League of LegendsLulu Splash Art in League of Legends

Lulu Splash Art in League of Legends / Courtesy of Riot Games

Lulu’s entire kit has great tools for keeping Nilah at a distance. If Nilah comes too close, Lulu can polymorph her to give Lulu time to regain her distance while avoiding taking damage from her. Lulu can also shield with her E and heal as well as knock up surrounding enemies with her R, which will both be useful against Nilah’s own shielding and speed.

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