5 Pokemon Day 2024 Predictions: New Games and More

5 Pokemon Day 2024 Predictions: New Games and More

With the release of The Indigo Disk, we as fans are now in the dark as to what is coming next for Pokemon. This does not happen very often as The Pokemon Company normally likes to give us a hint or outright reveal of new games for the next year or more. But, we are currently in that dead period between the last release and Pokemon Day. With that, I thought I would get ahead and give my top 5 Pokemon Day Predictions for 2024.

[Related: All Pokemon Day 2024 Leaks and Rumors]

Pokemon Day 2024 Predictions

Before diving too deep, please remember that these Pokemon Day Predictions for 2024 are just my opinion and not anything that has been leaked. There will be rumors mentioned with some of these but these are just rumors and nothing official. These will also be listed from least likely to most likely. With that, let’s jump in!

5. Pokemon Conquest 2

This game is a bit of a cult Pokemon game but when it was released back in 2012, it was a major surprise for a few reasons. The first was it being a turn-based strategy game set in Samurai-era Japan. The second was that it was a really solid game that wasn’t necessarily a huge commercial success like mainline Pokemon games but it certainly left a memorable imprint.

Fast-forward to 2024 and there is a chance they could either remaster this game, release it as is on the Nintendo Switch like they have with past Pokemon games or they could go even further with a sequel of sorts. The main reason to believe this is that it is attached to Pokemon Black and White 2. It came out just a few months before the sequel games and with the rumors swirling around of things related to Black and White and Gen 5-era Pokemon, it makes sense that Conquest could be in the picture somehow as well.

4. Pokemon Stadium 3 with Summer 2024 Release

Listen, there are a lot of people that want this to happen. So why won’t The Pokemon Company make it happen? Many thought there would be Pokemon Stadium games with each generation. There were with Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD getting released with Gen 3 and as a preview to Gen 4. But since, there has been nothing.

With The Pokemon Company going back to Pokemon Snap with New Pokemon Snap, it only makes sense for them to revive another old series. If Pokemon Conquest is not going to be it, then it should be Pokemon Stadium 3 or something similar like Colosseum or XD. This is especially true in an age where party games as popular as ever. With more than 600 new Pokemon released since the last Pokemon Stadium-type game, there are plenty to choose from when making mini-games and they already have all the 3D models for most Pokemon.

Please, revive this series.

3. Pokemon Legends-Type Game for Black and White

Pokemon Legends Arceus was a great game. Sure, there were bugs and the story dragged a bit at times. But, overall, it was a really solid game and it showed us a side of Pokemon we had never experienced before. With the commercial and critical success of the game, it is very likely that Pokemon will make another one. Knowing Pokemon, they had already started working on it before the first one even launched.

With that in mind, it makes sense given how they revealed and released the last one that they would use this off-year from the main series to release a big game or at least announce the next one. To be fair, many are speculating that the Jhoto region would be next and make the most sense. It would but, Pokemon likes to connect their products which is why Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl were released within a calendar year of Legends Arceus. With that in mind, if the first prediction on this list ends up being true, then some sort of game connected to its release makes a lot of sense.

So why not a Legends game?

2. First Pokemon Movie for Pokemon Horizons Crew

This one is unrelated to gaming and more focused on the show. Liko and Roy are having their first adventures and for the most part, it seems like fans are at least warming up to them and to the idea of them being the main characters moving forward. To push this even more, a movie announcement surrounding Liko and Roy makes a lot of sense for Pokemon Day.

They showed off some new types of shows like Pokemon Concierge at the last Pokemon Day and TPC always likes to make a splash. The first movie for Pokemon Horizons could focus on them and one of the Legendary Pokemon for Scarlet and Violet or it could see them finding their way into the Area Zero story. There are a lot of good options and it almost seems guaranteed that something will be announced movie-wise in late February.

1. Pokemon Black and White and Pokemon Black and White 2 Remakes with November 2024 Release

There have been a ton of rumors and even hints specifically in The Indigo Disk about Gen 5 making some sort of comeback. Whether it be Lacey’s dad strongly being suggested to be Clay from Unova or the massive amount of Gen 5 Pokemon in the Terrarium, it feels like we are going back to Black and White.

Considering how strong the story is and how beloved both Black and White and Black and White 2 are, it feels like we are guaranteed to get some announcements surrounding the games on Pokemon Day. With Gens 1-4 already getting remakes, there will at a minimum be Remakes for the first Black and White games and hopefully the second games. They could even consider combining them into one game. Wouldn’t that be something?

Do not think for a second though that there may not be a Black and White 3 in the works as well. Again, the story for this region was as strong as any in the history of Pokemon. That is why they continued it with the sequels. Personally, a third game in the series sounds like the best option, but remakes at a minimum will do.

Extra Prediction: Gen 10 Announced at Pokemon Day 2025 with November 2025 Release

This is a bit far off and will be in the 2025 Pokemon Day Predictions article for next year, but following the trend of the past few games, it is hard not to see Gen 10 getting announced. Sure, many are going to say “This is obvious” but it is worth pointing out. Mainly because it feels unlikely that they will announce it this year.

The main reason for this is that while Pokemon was releasing new mainline series games every two years for a bit, Sword and Shield and Scarlet and Violet were announced three years apart. Plus, when Pokemon announces games on Pokemon Day, they are normally getting released in that same year. Since it feels like it would be quite the turnaround to get two new Pokemon DLC at the end of 2023 and then a full new series game in 2024, fans are going to have to wait until 2025 to get any new information on Pokemon Generation 10.

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