League of Legends Map Changes Season 14

League of Legends Map Changes Season 14

It is rare for Summoner’s Rift to undergo any changes. So much so that any new map in League of Legends is just used for game modes. That being said, the Riot Devs have made small tweaks in the past with the intent of shaking things up a bit. Now it looks like they are at least testing a few map changes. Here is a look at the potential League of Legends Map Changes coming to Season 14 in 2024.

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League of Legends Map Changes Season 14

The League of Legends Map Changes Season 14 are certainly interesting ones that revolve around the top of the map. At least according to the leaks so far. To be clear, this does not mean that Riot Games and the League of Legends developers are making these changes. They could just be testing things out.

These come from known data miner and sometimes leaker, SkinSpotlight.

This Tweet shows that the Baron pit barrier is gone. This would mean that red side would essentially have free access to the major buff. For those who may not understand, this would fundamentally change the game. The fights around Baron Pit have created many iconic moments both in the professional scene and in many players’ personal games.

With this change comes the top of the map looking only slightly different. The path to the top lane tower on red side would become much more guarded. This would really make top lane feel like an island, unless teammates come charging in from the river or from way behind the tower. That is much more risky. Some top laners would love that change while others may not feel the same way.

Summoners Rift Map Changes: What is next?

To be clear, all of the Summoners Rift map changes so far are just leaks. It does give some insight to how Riot Games and the League Devs are thinking. They want to open up the middle of the map it would seem to create most of the fighting there while allowing the lanes to focus on each other. This could mean that dragon pit could also be gone.

Any or all of these types of changes would shift the game in a big way. Maybe the Devs are worried the game is becoming stale? Or maybe they are trying to make things a little more clear and easy to try and attract new players? There are likely more options but those feel like the echo the sentiments of players and even the Devs to a certain degree.

Should any massive changes officially be announced, The Game Haus will have it covered.

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