Wired Productions state their views on NFTs: No F***ing Thanks

Indie publisher Wired Productions have decided to join the NFT craze by releasing a series of ‘Alternative NFTs. The one of kind jpgs are available for precisely zero pence and you have just 733 days to claim yours. 

Here’s their marketing pitch:

The world is obsessed with NFTs and our message is simple: No F*cking Thanks. To celebrate this, we’re releasing a range of epic images that our VP of Product Evolution and Retail Metamorphosis, Bob Packer, quickly put together when we decided we wanted to jump on the bandwagon too. However, here at Wired we do things differently. Yep, our NFTs are free and open to everyone! Forget tokens and blockchain, you can just download the jpeg and it’s yours to keep forever! We release these with a creative Commons licence; do what you want, honestly, we don’t give a sh*t.

Remember NFTs are bullsh*t, we know it, you know it and the community knows it. This is just our way of being clear as a company that when it comes to NFTs, we say: No F*cking Thanks.

Wired Stance seems to have been blatantly ripped from our own Alternative Awards which had a special category for Best NFT. 

You can see three of the six totally exclusive NFT’s below.

Wired NFT

A number of publishers have tried to jump on the NFT bandwagon and so far, all have failed spectacularly. Ubisoft hopped aboard the NFT hype train by launching Ubisoft Quartz, an non-fungible token (NFT) program that they’re using to sell limited edition in-game cosmetics. Prices for these went to the tens of thousands of dollars but the so far out of the three thousands items available the company has sold.. fifteen. The total value of the sales is about $1800, one would assume it cost Ubisoft rather more than that to set up Quartz.

Earlier this month STALKER 2 developer GSC Game World has cancelled their controversial plans to sell the ability to appear as an in-game NPC using NFTs

“The interests of our fans and players are the top priority for the team,” GSC Game World writes. “We’re making this game for you to enjoy – whatever the cost is. If you care, we care too.”

However, that statement came after initially doubling down on their plans, stating that they wanted to “do NFT right” and revealing that they would use the NFTs to sell the nicknaming rights of in-game items like desks, gloves, skins and badges, in addition to the original promise to scan an NFT buyer and feature them in the game.

Source: Wired

Source: https://www.thesixthaxis.com/2021/12/27/wired-nft/

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